Stephanie Sessions » 6th Grade Reading

6th Grade Reading

"You can find magic wherever you look.

Sit back and relax.

All you need is a book."

- Dr. Seuss


Course description:

The Glynn County School System uses the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) Into Reading Curriculum. This curriculum offers essential elements of literacy and differentiated reading instruction that works to support all types of learning in the classroom. This program is ultimately designed to aid our students in becoming strong critical thinkers who create and discover through literature and independent learning.

Course Outline:

In this class, students will focus on becoming flexible, resilient readers who read for pleasure as well as for academic purposes. Students will be given an array of tools & strategies to improve their fluency, comprehension, & interest in the different genres of literature. Our hope is that students will be capable of reading broadly and deeply, while being alert to the complexities of texts & the power of language. Our goal is for students to confidently make choices within their educational & career endeavors without being limited by their reading levels. When students begin to believe themselves to be authentic readers, they will develop a love for reading that continues on into the future.

The Class Will Consist Of:

● Small & whole-group instruction

● Independent reading
● Individual & small-group conferencing
● Responding to the text through discussions, book talks, journaling, and presentations


Grade Weights:
Classwork: 60%
Assessment: 30%
Homework / Participation: 10%
Student Expectations:
Every student is accountable for their actions. I expect every student to follow our class and school rules as well as classroom procedures; including the PBIS Matrix for ROLL - Respect, Ownership, Leading and Learning.
Students should have their supplies every day in order the be fully prepared for a successful day. These include but are not limited to the following items; school ID on a lanyards; supplies for reading - Into Literature book, reader's notebook, Chromebook and a book for independent reading.