Administration » 8th Grade Team

8th Grade Team

Eighth Grade North

English Language Arts: Tamara Gray

Math: Craig Howe

Science + Math: Deborah Pollock

Social Studies + ELA: Susannah Weir

Eighth Grade South

English Language Arts: Craig Pope

English Language Arts: Brooke Thomas

Math: Amelia Hendrix

Math: Avonya Divinity

Science: Sarah Francois

Social Studies: Rochelle Dukes
Attention Families of 2024 - 2025 8th Grade Hurricanes!
Let GMS know if your student is interested in Algebra: Concepts & Connections.
Click HERE to complete an interest form. 
Let GMS know if your student is interested in high school connections courses (Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Personal Fitness - Health/PE, Spanish I)!
Click HERE to complete an interest form.