Counseling Resources » Social/Emotional Development

Social/Emotional Development

During the middle school years, students are learning to communicate and work with others. The Counseling Department works with students on appropriate ways to communicate with others through classroom lessons, small groups, and individual meetings. 

We will be starting SY 21-22 building Community within our classrooms.  Various small groups will form throughout the year based on students' social and emotional needs, to include coping with anxiety/stress, building healthy relationships, emotional regulation, etc. "Life" readiness is what we strive for!

We also work to prevent bullying situations at Glynn Middle and to empower bystanders of bullying.

Glynn Middle School maintains a bully prevention model whereby any suspected incident is investigated, documented, communicated to a parent and then followed up as a final measure.

In the related links below, you will find a power point with information on the cyber bullying and its harmful effects as well as a short video on the power of others to combat bullying. So SPEAK UP and SPEAK OUT against bullying!

Related Links

Empathy Lesson - Being 12 - Kids on Race
Hear some straight talk from middle-schoolers about race and what it's like to grow up in such racially charged times.